Age of Chaucer

when we explore Chaucer’s writings, it’s important to remember that he wasn’t addressing everyday people. He served as a poet at the royal court and aimed his works at educated readers. During his lifetime, there were significant challenges like the Black Death, wars, and plagues that ravaged society. In 1348-49, a devastating Black Death pandemic… Continue reading Age of Chaucer


Geoffrey Chaucer

Chaucer was a famous poet and author during the Middle Ages. He’s often called the Father of English Literature. His most well-known work is “The Canterbury Tales.” He lived through the reigns of three different rulers: Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV. Chaucer’s writing introduced nearly 2,000 new English words. Chaucer was the first… Continue reading Geoffrey Chaucer


“The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations”

“The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations” is a renowned collection of religious poetry written by George Herbert. First published in 1633, it is considered one of the most significant works of English devotional poetry. The title “The Temple” signifies the holiness of the themes explored within the poems. The collection is divided into two… Continue reading “The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations”



Samuel Johnson, commonly referred to as Dr. Johnson, left a lasting legacy as an English writer who excelled in various roles as a poet, playwright, essayist, moral philosopher, and critic during both the Neo-Classical and Age of Sensibility periods. His multifaceted intellectual pursuits earned him the title of a “man of letters.” Dr. Johnson’s deep… Continue reading SAMUEL JOHNSON


The Retreat

“The Retreat” is a poem penned by Henry Vaughan, an English poet known for his association with the metaphysical poets of the 17th century. Henry Vaughan, a Welsh metaphysical poet, was greatly influenced by George Herbert. George Herbert’s poems served as a model for Vaughan. This poem primarily extols the purity and beauty of an… Continue reading The Retreat


Henry Vaughan

Henry Vaughan, the Welsh metaphysical poet and physician, was born on April 17, 1621, in Wales. He was the twin brother of Thomas Vaughan, who was also a poet and alchemist. Henry Vaughan came from a relatively well-off family. During his early years, Henry Vaughan attended Jesus College, Oxford,  where he would have been exposed… Continue reading Henry Vaughan


Jane Austen

Jane Austen was an English writer who is famous for her six novels. These novels talk about and give opinions on the British upper-class people at the end of the 18th century. In her stories, Jane Austen often looks at how important marriage was for women to have a good social position and financial security.… Continue reading Jane Austen


“Mac Flecknoe”

John Dryden’s poem “Mac Flecknoe.” A Satire upon the True-blue Protestant Poet T.S. T.S. referring to the poet Thomas Shadwell. John Dryden (1631-1700) enjoyed significant acclaim during his lifetime as a distinguished poet, literary critic, and playwright. His influence on the literary era following the Restoration of Charles II was so profound that it’s often… Continue reading “Mac Flecknoe”


John Dryden

John Dryden, a prominent English poet, literary critic, and playwright, achieved the historic distinction of being named England’s inaugural Poet Laureate in 1668. His influence on the literary landscape of Restoration England was so profound that this era is often referred to as the “Age of Dryden” within literary circles. Romanticist writer Sir Walter Scott… Continue reading John Dryden
